We get a lot of questions from designs just starting their career. We hear you and we’ve covered the most common questions in some of our podcasts. Below are three excellent podcasts for new designers to kickstart their career. After you finish these, feel free to listen to the others, as all our podcasts are aimed to help you be a better designer. (With no chit chat of course1)

  1. Ep. 37 – Landing You First Design Job
  2. Ep. 55 – How to Succeed at Interviews
  3. Ep. 47 – How to plan your design career (from start to finish)

We put a lot of time and effort making these and we hope they help you kick start your career. If you enjoy them, don’t forget to let us know by leaving a review on iTunes!

This week, Jon and Chris talk about the recent keynote from Apple. The show starts with a quick product review of all the different product announcements made by Tim Cook & co. Then in the second half, they get into a discussion about what’s happened with Apple over the past 10 years, and why they may no longer be the center of innovation in the post-Jobs era. Stay tuned for a different kind of Design Review episode!

Also… Here is Steve Jobs’ legendary keynote when he introduced the very first iPhone:

Please forgive the popup ads. It’s YouTube, not us… It’s still worth your time to watch it. So please do!

Also, Jon mentioned on the show that he keeps a spreadsheet of iOS gestures, just to keep track of the different multitouch interactions that people need to know and remember to use their phones. Let him know what you think!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

This week, Jon and Chris answer a listener email about how to handle job interviews. Both Chris and Jon give practical tips and information from their experiences as interviewees AND hiring managers! Stay tuned for an informative episode!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

After 3 attempts, Chris and Jon finally get this one recorded! Phew! Jon interviews Chris about what it’s like to work on car stuff, what the future holds, and how YOU could be part of it!

The discussion was inspired by Chris’ recent essay on car UX design, entitled “About Car UX🙂

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

This week, Chris and Jon talk about why good writing skills are essential for doing good design. Obviously other things are important too, but writing is just one of those ‘core skills’ every designer must have. Stay tuned to this episode!

Also, here’s a link to the spreadsheet to check the length of your UI text in different languages! (It’s a Google Doc)

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

This week Chris and Jon talk about awful meetings, why we have to have them, and what we can do about them. There’s lots of useful information to help you have better meetings, so definitely stick around for this one!

Along with all that, we mentioned a couple other things on the show…

First, the book by Sarah Cooper:

100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings: How to Get By Without Even Trying
Buy it now on Amazon!

We were also included on CSS Author’s list of Best UX Podcasts!
Thanks CSS Author!

Thanks to our sponsor!

This episode is brought to you by Monowear. Get premium quality bands for your apple watch, perfect for any occasion. Visit monoweardesign.com and use promo code DesignReview15 for 15% off your order!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

At long last, here’s episode 51! Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!! This week, Chris and Jon discuss production design and how we transition from the big idea to an implemented product. This is where the rubber meets the road, and you don’t want to miss this important episode!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

It’s episode 50 everybody! Woo! We made it! Thanks to everyone for supporting us! But what would be even cooler is if you left us a message😀

This week, Chris and Jon talk about why companies STILL don’t get design, and try to figure out some ways that we can all solve this big problem together. Stay tuned for a monumental episode!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

Quick note: The next episode is our our 50th! To celebrate we want to hear from YOU! What does the podcast mean to you? How has it helped your career? Head on over to our contact page to leave a written comment or Audio snippet!

This week on the design review we share our workspace setups: desk, chair, apps, plugins, everything that helps us get r’ done.


(Full disclosure: Some of the following links are affiliate links because we like free money when we recommend stuff)



Have something to add to the conversation on this episode? You can leave us a message here, and we may use it on the show!

Big thanks to Lu for helping out with the show!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


Thanks for listening!

You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!

How do you create an MVP that doesn’t suck?

This week’s show came to us from one of the listeners. They asked:

How to define the MVP? How picky do we have to be after the devs implement the design? Where is the line?

Have you ever had to make an MVP before?

Jonathan and Chris dive in and share their own successes and failures, as well as their advice on how to work with engineers after you deliver a project.

Have something to add to the conversation on this episode? You can leave us a message here, and we may use it on the show!

Big thanks to Lu for helping out with the show!

Other ways to listen…

Listen or subscribe to us on iTunes!

Listen to this episode on Soundcloud!

Here is an RSS feed for the show in case you need a podcast feed:


Thanks for listening!

You can also reach us on Twitter:

Chris: @machinehuman

Jon: @DesignUXUI

The whole entire show: @DR_podcast

So let us know what you think!

Tell us about yourself!

If we can get more sponsors, we’ll be able to do more with the show! To help us get more sponsors, it would help us out if you could fill out this very short survey on our listener demographics:

It just takes a few minutes and helps us reach out more companies!

How do you like the show so far?

Take the Design Review Survey of Awesome and let us know what you think of our show!